Tools for Action functions as an artist group and platform with a varying group of collaborators per project. Since 2019, Tools for Action is supported by the Tools for Action Foundation. 

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Bambí van Balen

Bambí van Balen

Bambí van Balen is a queer Dutch/Hungarian non-binary artist with a focus on ceramics, sculpture, participatory performance and political intervention. Within their sculptural work, they are interested in creating intimate liminal sci-fi environments and ritualistic spaces, using scent, light and sound to entice desire. In 2012 they founded Tools for Action, under which collaborations are realized with artists, activists, hackers, choreographers, shifting between activist, cultural and educational contexts with the aim of developing new forms of assembly and political action. For three years they are invested in dream work as a collective healing practice to metabolize trauma and to unfold the radical imagination. They can be contacted at: bambi(at)

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Christy Westhovens

Christy Westhovens

Christy Westhovens is a visual artist, hacker, researcher and builder of machines. She designs tools to measure and translate natural processes into intuitive somatic experiences. In addition she explores collective machine building as a form of pedagogy, where playing, exploring, shaping, and adapting personal experiences in relation to the environment are central. The practice aims to foster awareness and control over the technologies that continually surround us. Christy worked on several Tools of the Tools for Action sensoriums, including dream machines and facillitated the workhop Rainbow Warriors at BAK Basis in Utrecht.

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Sarah Kerbosch

Sarah Kerbosch

Sarah Kerbosch is a Dutch multidisciplinary artist and designer, with a background in fashion design and psychology. She focuses on the effect of space, colour and tactility on well-being, discovering how space influences the body and vice versa. She uses textiles in combination with other materials to create worlds in which her fantastical creatures live. She collaborates with Tools for Action on large scale sewing works such as the Hammer, the inflatable Bom and Dream Chapel.

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nat skoczylas

nat skoczylas

nat skoczylas is a gender/queer artist, anarchist, writer and activist, living between Berlin and Massia(ru), Estonia. They run femAle, a queer feminist, anarchist brewing project since 2020 and hold collective cooking experiences for artistic and activist gatherings. nat’s practice concerns food and fermentation as social spaces of interspecies interaction, transformation and metaphor. In their collective collaborative practice using word, performance and facilitation, they explore the utopian, the unknown, the mystical, the radical and the revolutionary from a trans/queer/feminist lens. They’re deeply invested in mutual aid, transformative justice, abolitionism and decolonial, anticapitalist practices.

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Carmen Branco van Gelder

Carmen Branco van Gelder

Carmen Branco van Gelder is a visual and conceptual artist who recently graduated in Fine Arts at the Willem de Kooning Academy. Carmen uses different tools and crafts in search of conveying the right visual translation to a theme or feeling. She defines her work as divergent and transformative. Carmen worked with Tools for Action at Berry (Dreammachine 03).

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Bambí van Balen

Bambí van Balen

Bambí van Balen is a queer Dutch/Hungarian non-binary artist with a focus on ceramics, sculpture, participatory performance and political intervention. Within their sculptural work, they are interested in creating intimate liminal sci-fi environments and ritualistic spaces, using scent, light and sound to entice desire. In 2012 they founded Tools for Action, under which collaborations are realized with artists, activists, hackers, choreographers, shifting between activist, cultural and educational contexts with the aim of developing new forms of assembly and political action. For three years they are invested in dream work as a collective healing practice to metabolize trauma and to unfold the radical imagination. They can be contacted at: bambi(at)

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nat skoczylas

nat skoczylas

nat skoczylas is a gender/queer artist, anarchist, writer and activist, living between Berlin and Massia(ru), Estonia. They run femAle, a queer feminist, anarchist brewing project since 2020 and hold collective cooking experiences for artistic and activist gatherings. nat’s practice concerns food and fermentation as social spaces of interspecies interaction, transformation and metaphor. In their collective collaborative practice using word, performance and facilitation, they explore the utopian, the unknown, the mystical, the radical and the revolutionary from a trans/queer/feminist lens. They’re deeply invested in mutual aid, transformative justice, abolitionism and decolonial, anticapitalist practices.

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Christy Westhovens

Christy Westhovens

Christy Westhovens is a visual artist, hacker, researcher and builder of machines. She designs tools to measure and translate natural processes into intuitive somatic experiences. In addition she explores collective machine building as a form of pedagogy, where playing, exploring, shaping, and adapting personal experiences in relation to the environment are central. The practice aims to foster awareness and control over the technologies that continually surround us. Christy worked on several Tools of the Tools for Action sensoriums, including dream machines and facillitated the workhop Rainbow Warriors at BAK Basis in Utrecht.

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Carmen Branco van Gelder

Carmen Branco van Gelder

Carmen Branco van Gelder is a visual and conceptual artist who recently graduated in Fine Arts at the Willem de Kooning Academy. Carmen uses different tools and crafts in search of conveying the right visual translation to a theme or feeling. She defines her work as divergent and transformative. Carmen worked with Tools for Action at Berry (Dreammachine 03).

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Sarah Kerbosch

Sarah Kerbosch

Sarah Kerbosch is a Dutch multidisciplinary artist and designer, with a background in fashion design and psychology. She focuses on the effect of space, colour and tactility on well-being, discovering how space influences the body and vice versa. She uses textiles in combination with other materials to create worlds in which her fantastical creatures live. She collaborates with Tools for Action on large scale sewing works such as the Hammer, the inflatable Bom and Dream Chapel.